February 2021

Web-based training and promotional project launched in Dominican Republic

In February 2021 PROTEO INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. has launched the online training project in Dominican Republic.

The persistence of limitations because of Covid-19 in travelling and personal meetings, the limited mobility of PROTEO's technical and commercial staff and its clients around the World, has led PROTEO's management to do the project of remote training and assistance also in Dominican Republic, after the positive results obtained in Guatemala.

After the identification, together with the management of the client, of the most strategic products for the Dominican market, the project has been launched.

Every week, from the middle of February, on a shared platform with the distributor, technical and commercial material on the selected products is uploaded. The material is accompanied by questionnaires to assess the level of learning.

After this first part, the project includes calls to discuss practical issues in the use of the products and share field experience.

In addition, the project includes a third part in which each person from the distributor's team is invited to do trials or demonstration plots with farmers.

The personnel attending the course is incentivized with rewards in order to increase engagement and participation. Additional targets are linked to specific sales targets.