October 2019

PROTEO INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. has cooperated with the Research Center Sagea

In summer and autumn of 2019, in Trilistnik - Bulgaria, with the collaboration of the International Research Center Sagea and the local branch, a trial has been conducted on apple to demonstrate the efficacy of some products of PROTEO INTERNATIONAL S.r.l.

During the trial conducted on the Golden Delicious cultivar, FOLIAMIN and FOLIPLUS have been used as integration to the standard nutritional plan used in the area to improve the production in terms of quantity and quality.

From the evaluation of the different parameters measured, it was clearly evident a positive effect in the harvest.

Apart from the increase in yield in the treated plots, the trials showed an improvement in terms of classification in commercial categories. In particular, thanks to the utilization of FOLIAMIN and FOLIPLUS the results of average diameter of fruits, number of fruits and weight were improved in all the classes with a positive shifting into the highest categories.

Moreover, color uniformity and sugars concentration were positively affected by the application of FOLIAMIN and FOLIPLUS.