November 2018
PROTEO INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. has travelled to China
In November 2018 PROTEO INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. has flown to China to do different activities of promotion and commercial assistance.
Our staff, landed in Nanning, has had speeches during a Conference on Citrus with the aim of introducing the Firm and the main products available for this crop. After that, our staff and a delegation of participants to the Conference have visited experimental fields of citrus in which some of our products are tested.
After this, in Chengdu, our staff has participated to a Conference on Physiopathologies and Nematodes and in Baoding to a Conference on Apple. Always in Chengdu, the staff of PROTEO has participated to the 34th China Plant Protection Information Exchange & Pesticide and Sprayer Facilities Fair.
During the period spent in China, different meetings with new potential local retailers have been done in the Provinces of Guangxi and Sichuan, signing new distribution agreements.
The final part of the activity done in China has been focused on logistic aspects of products and the definition of short and long-term strategies in terms of business cooperation and technical assistance.